1. How long to ship the order?

Your products will shipped within 1-3 days of your order.

2. How long are shipping times?

It takes up to 2-7 business days to reach your doorstep depending on your area. For further shipping information please see our shipping page.

3. What's your return policy?

We are not able to accept all the returns right now, we are working on with our suppliers to make it possible. Please drop us an email, we will see the best we can do for you. For details see our policy

4. Can I cancel my order?

If you change your mind after placing an order, we are able to accept cancellations at any time before the order has been dispatched. If the order has already been dispatched, it may be difficult to cancel but go ahead, contact us and we will try to do best for you. 

5. What happens if I receive the wrong item or defective item?

If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or otherwise not exactly what you ordered -- then simply notify us. 

For claiming a refund/exchange on the wrong or defective product(s), Please reach out to us within 3 days of receiving the order. An opening video of the package without any cuts is MANDATORY to claim refund.

For details see our policy.

6. Do you offer exchanges?

We do not offer exchanges. For details see our policy.

7. Do you have a question not covered here, how to get in contact?

You can contact us directly at contactus@jewelsandstones.com or fill form in Contact Us page or contact us our live chat at bottom right of our website. We will get back to you as soon as we can.